rules & regulations  

This ethical code has been designed to regulate the relationship between fellow Members of this Association and to establish and maintain a high standard of professional and personal conduct towards the public.


1.1 Members should practice their profession with integrity and dignity.

1.2 The highest standards must be maintained in conduct, in the care of the client and in professional expertise.

1.3 National and local legislation must be adhered to.

1.4 Members should advise the Secretary of the Association immediately of any police or local authority enquiry into their practice.

1.5 Full professional indenmity insurance must be continuously maintained in accordance with the Association's recommendations and public liability insurance should be held.

1.6 Members should not use the title "Doctor" with reference to their colonic practice, unless it is a genuine medical qualification, in which case the full title of the degree and its origin should be stated.

1.7 Members should not refer to an assistance as "nurse", unless they hold a nursing qualification recognised by the Australian Council for Nursing and Midwifery.

1.8 Members should not make a physical examination of or treat a child under 16 years of age, except in the presence of a parent or guardian, having firstly obtained a signed statement to the following effect:
I have been warned by........ that according to the law I should
consult a doctor concerning the health of my child...... (name of child)
Signed..........(parent or guardian)

1.9 Therapists shall report research findings and clinical experience methodically and without distortion. Speculative theories shall be stated to be so.

1.10 Members have an obligation to continue their professional development by keeping abreast of developments within the field of colonic hydrotherapy and by attending seminars, study days, educational courses and the like in related subjects. A minimum of 30 hours per annum continued professional development study or teaching should be undertaken, and this should be evidenced annually.

1.11 Probationary Members will be assigned a "Mentor", a committee member, or a senior member of the association tasked by the committee, to be a point of reference during the first six months of probation. During this period, a series of monthly meetings should be held to discuss case notes, treatments and the general progress of the probationer. At the end of this period the probationer should administer one treatment observed by the mentor. Mentors may credit this time as study hours.


2.1 A Member should never betray the confidence of a client, nor divulge diagnostic findings acquired during a consultation or in the course of professional treatment to anyone without the consent of the client, except when required to do so by law, or where failure to take action would constitute a menace or danger to the client or to another member of the community. The practitioner must also resist the temptation to divulge that an eminent person is his client.

2.2 A Member shall be free to choose whom he/she shall serve professionally.

2.3 Having accepted a client in the course of his practice, a Member should not neglect or abandon the case before recovery, without due notice to the client, his relatives or friends, or until another practitioner has accepted responsibility.

2.4 When a client's condition, or lack of progress, gives cause for anxiety, the Member should not hesitate to call for a second opinion, either from another Member or from another appropriate practitioner or specialist. A Member so called as consultant shall communicate only through the Member in charge of the case, and not directly to the client or relatives.

2.5 A Member shall not suggest that a client is worse than he/she really is, or that he/she has a condition not evidently present, and not make any promises nor give any guarantee of the results of the treatment.

2.6 On deciding to retire or move from a practice, Members must inform all current clients of their intention, and of any arrangements made for the transfer of the practice to another therapist. Records should be kept for a minimum of 7 years.

2.7 A testimonial or commendatory letter should never be solicited, but if one is spontaneously forthcoming, it should not be exhibited or passed on and certainly not published, without the client's consent.

2.8 Members are expected to charge reasonable fees and to check by comparison with those of their fellow Members and other practitioners. Where a case is taken on a reduced fee basis, the quality of the service would naturally be unchanged.

2.9 Members, when receiving a referral through the Association register, shall not divert colonic treatment to another therapy unless clinically indicated, and shall give a detailed account of the procedure and costs involved.


3.1 Premises must reach the standards prescribed in the Associations "Guide to Good Practice" leaflet.

3.2 All premises are subject to inspection, by appointment, by a Member of the Executive Committee before becoming operational. All premises are subject to periodic re-inspection as deemed necessary by the committee. Members and prospective members are expected to make their premises and themselves available at reasonable notice. A charge will be levied for inspections.

3.3 A Member or prospective member being inspected for the first time shall administer one treatment under the observation of the inspector.

3.4 A Member or prospective member shall not administer any form of colonic hydrotherapy treatment in unapproved premises.


4.1 The client should at all times be prepared in an appropriate manner for the examination or treatment to be received. An explanation of the treatment and provision of suitable attire (gown/towel) is mandatory.

4.2 Any type of physical examination should be undertaken only with the full consent of the client, and signed consent should be taken. Each workplace should have a completed disclaimer on the client details sheet.

4.3 A case history should be taken and recorded. This should include Name, Address, telephone number, Date of Birth, essential details of medical history, dates of treatment and details of treatment. Physical examination procedures should be carried out as relevant to the case.

4.4 A Member shall not consent to induce abortion or sterility, or attempt to do so by any means whatsoever.

4.5 Members using the Open and Libbe System should provide adequate information to the client on how to insert the speculum prior to the colonic procedure.


5.1 In the case of threatened legal proceedings being taken against a Member by a client, the following procedure should be followed as advised by the Association's Insurance Brokers:-

. Do not admit or acknowledge anything
. Have no communication whatsoever with the complainant but report all circumstances immediately to your insurance broker and to a committee member of the Association by telephone and additionally report fully to them by first post.

It is recommended that a legal representative should be present at any interviews, and that statements should not be made without the advice of such an authority.


6.1 Members of the Association are colleagues and there should be close cooperation among themselves. There should be no sense of competition between them.

6.2 A Member should not criticise, condemn or belittle a colleague in the presence of a patient or other layman.

6.3 A Member shall not undertake a case which, to his knowledge, is under the care of another Member, except with the consent of that Member. Nor shall he use any means to persuade a patient to leave another Member to become his patient.

6.4 When a Member undertakes the treatment of a patient because the patient's own practitioner is not available, he should render all assistance he can. At the earliest opportunity, he should return the client to his own practitioner and supply his colleague with relevant details of the case whilst under this care.

6.5 If a client moves to another district or for any reason desires to change from one Member to another, he or she shall always be free to do so. Detailed clients records shall be forwarded directly to the Member newly in charge.

6.6 A Member shall not accept any form of commission or split fees in cases referred by a colleague, nor shall he offer any reduction of fees for the purpose of enticing patients from another Member.

6.7 A Member shall respond graciously to a request from any colleague requiring his professional assistance. Professional advice is always given to Member without a fee.

6.8 Where acting as an assistant or locum tenens, a member may not procure for the benefit of another practice any clients of the principal's practice, neither for the duration nor within six months of the termination of the agreement, without written consent of the principal.

6.9 Only a Registered Therapist Member of the I-ACT may act as an assistant or locum tenens to another Registered Therapist of the School of Colon Hydrotherapy

6.10 Where a therapist has good reason to believe a fellow therapist has committed misconduct or has any complaint whatsoever about him/her, a confidential report should be made to an officer of the Colonic International Association, and the therapist concerned will be informed by the Secretary.


7.1 In the interest of professional unity and public goodwill, Members are advised against speaking or writing disparagingly of others associated with the healing arts, including the medical profession and qualified Colonic Therapists who are not members of the Association.


8.1 A Member shall not at any time intentionally misinform a patient as to his professional qualifications.

8.2 A Member may use the initials "R.T." - Registered Therapist.


9.1 No Member practitioner should undertake to diagnose and/or treat a patient without the patient presenting himself or herself personally at the consultative interview or examination.

9.2 A Member shall not advertise or conduct any training in Colon Hydrotherapy unless authorised to do so by the Association.

9.3 A Member shall not advertise by the use of handbills, circulars or posters, the press, radio or TV without clearing with the Executive Committee first.

9.4 Any sign or name-plate shall be in conformity with professional dignity. Letter-headings, cards and account forms shall be in a strictly professional style.

9.5 Members may write articles, give public lectures, or conduct adult education classes, etc., of an instructive and educational nature, or use broadcasting media, attend exhibitions, for the same purpose, providing participation is conducted in a legal, decent and honest manner, and providing the profession and Association are promoted rather than the individual.

9.6 Members shall not use their membership qualifications together with their names for the commercialising of any product or remedy unless approved bythe A.C.H.A.

9.7 Member shall not disclose confidential matters pertaining to the Association and its business.


10.1 Verbal or lesser complaints against Members will be dealt with speedily by the Chairman or committee member. Written complaints against members, which are obviously not frivolous or trivial, will be heard by a disciplinary committee composed of a chairman (appointed by the executive committee), two full members of the Association and a member external to the Association. This committee may be appointed on an ad hoc basis, or may be a standing committee. The Chairman shall in all cases of equality have a casting as well as a deliberate vote.

10.2 Any formal written complaint will be immediately acknowledged by the person receiving the complaint, and will be passed immediately to the Chairman of the disciplinary committee.

10.3 The Chairman of the disciplinary committee is responsible for obtaining adequate details in writing from the person or organisation lodging the complaint and informing the executive committee as necessary.

10.4 Immediately the formal written complaint is lodged in sufficient detail, a copy of the complaint will be sent to the member who is the subject of the complaint requesting agreement or rebuttal within 14 days. Simultaneously, the person or organisation lodging the complaint will be sent a written confirmation that the complaint is being investigated. Also, at the same time, the members of the disciplinary committee will be appointed by the executive committee to hear the complaint, and be provided with written details.

10.5 Within 14 days of the receipt of the written submission, or within 14 days of the time allowed for agreement or rebuttal, whichever is the shortest, the disciplinary committee will meet to hear the complaint. They may request the attendance of either party to provide further information, or of material witnesses.

10.6 Having considered the complaint and rebuttal (if any), the disciplinary committee will submit a written report and recommendation to the executive committee within 7 days.

10.7 After receipt of the report and recommendations, should the executive committee consider that, a member should be disciplined in any way, it will inform the member in writing within 7 days of its decision and penalty, providing that member with the option of a written appeal to the executive committee within a maximum of 14 days.

10.8 The executive committee will deal with any written appeal and may request further written or spoken submissions from either party. A final decision shall be made within 14 days and notified in writing.

10.9 The final decision of the majority of all members of the executive committee is binding. If the decision involves expulsion from the Association, the decision shall be binding in the form of suspension of Membership until confirmed by three-fourths of the Full Members of the Association present at the first Annual General or Special Meeting, after which the said Member will be expelled from the Association.

10.10 The decision will also be notified in writing to any Umbrella organisation(s) the Colonic International Association is a member of, and, at the discretion of the executive committee, to any other professional association to which the said member belongs.

10.11 A breach of the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics or the Constitution may constitute unprofessional conduct. Without limiting the meaning of the expression "unprofessional and dishonourable practices", a Member shall be guilty of dishonourable conduct who:

10.11 a Is convinced of an offence for behaviour unbecoming a therapist.

10.11 b Is found to be addicted to intoxicating liquor or illicit drugs.

10.11 c In his/her professional capacity signs, gives or makes any false or misleading representations, reports or certificates for any purpose whatsoever.

10.11 d In his/her capacity as a therapist neglects to do something that a reasonable therapist would do or conversely does something which a reasonable therapist would not do, or shows in any way the absence of such reasonable skill and attention, as shall have endangered the health of a patient or prolonged a patients illness or period of convalescence.


11.1 The executive committee may issue penalties as warnings, reprimands, fines, costs and/or suspensions to Members in breach of the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics or the Constitution, as deemed appropriate to the case.

11.2 A majority of Full Members present at the next Annual General or Special Meeting may expel a Member in breach of the above, after a recommendation from the Executive Committee based on disciplinary proceedings.


12.1 Any Full Member of the Association may propose a candidate fro a lay committee position, to the Executive Committee in writing. The candidate must meet the criteria specified in paragraph 6a of the Constitution.

12.2 This may be done at any time during the year, other than in the three months immediately preceding an Annual General Meeting.

12.3 The Executive Committee must assess and accept the candidates, because whereas ordinary committee nominees are from and generally known to the membership, lay candidates will be unknown to many members.

12.4 The Executive Committee will appoint two election sub committees solely for the candidates assessments. (1) The Election sub committee, comprising of the Chairman, Secretary and 50% of the ordinary committee members. (2) The Appeals sub committee, comprising of the Vice-chairman, Treasurer and the other 50% of the ordinary committee members. The respective Chairpersons of these sub committees will keep written minutes of their decisions. Simple majority votes are required.

12.5 The proposer is responsible for seeking another full member as a seconder.

12.6 The proposer is responsible for the submission to the committee of a short, Election CV of the candidate. This will also be included in the notice of the next Annual General Meeting, which is sent to all members.

12.7 The proposer must be willing to speak in support of their candidate at the Annual General Meeting.

12.8 The sub committee will interview candidates at a mutually convenient time and place.

12.9 In the event of the non-acceptance of a candidate by the Election sub committee, a proposer may, if they wish to continue the nomination, refer to the Appeals sub committee, in the event of disagreement between the two sub committees then a full committee meeting must decide the issue. A majority vote will be required to accept the nomination.

12.10 The Executive Committee will present all the approved nominations to the Annual General Meeting. If there are more candidates than places available (4) then the secretary will prepare simple ballot forms bearing the names of all the candidates. Each proposer will be invited to speak on their candidates' behalf, and then the meeting will be asked to vote for 4 of the names. The 4 names polling the highest numbers of votes will be elected.

12.11 Lay members may stand for re-election annually.

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The registered date of the Association was the 1st August 2003 and the incorporation no. is INC9880211.