The ACHA has been formed in response to the increasing need for
a holistic approach to health. Australians are seeking to regain
control of their lives and achieve freedom through healing. It is
our intention to support colon hydrotherapists ('our members') to
work together and promote colon health to other natural therapists
and the general public. This can be achieved by establishing a solid
industry in Australia governed by Australian laws and regulations
and administered with qualified therapists experienced in complimentary
modalities to achieve optimum health care.
Thorough Australian training is perpetuating an industry of best
qualified practitioners delivering a high standard of work. Overseas
visitors who receive colonics in Australia comment on the quality
of our procedures and the additions of nutritional advice and massage
complete a positive experience on par with the rest of the world.
Australians should recognise the excellence and style of a technique
that has received praise from people all around the world. We have
reached a time where it is essential to have an Association where
these methods can be learned and share by students and practitioners
of alternative health medicine.